NOOF Press Kit

A New Order of Fashion

The dramatic influence of today's (fast) fashion industry is widely acknowledged.  As long as the fashion industry continues to ‘take’ more than it ‘gives’, we will continue to harm the planet and people. In response, international design platform New Order of Fashion (NOOF) champions the ethos of Regeneration, recognising the urgent need for systemic transformation. Departing from conventional norms, NOOF advocates for a fashion ecosystem centered on locality, de-growth, care and other regenerative values.

Recognising that the design phase significantly shapes a garment's environmental footprint, NOOF guides emerging fashion designers to make informed, eco-conscious choices at this crucial phase. Through NOOF LAB in Eindhoven, established in 2022, a wealth of resources including tools, sustainable materials, workshops, and public exhibitions showcase sustainable alternatives created by visionary designers from around the globe. At Dutch Design Week (October), NOOF curates and spotlights the work of recent graduates and the outcomes of its residency programs. To date, NOOF has featured the works of more than 180 designers. 

Looking ahead, NOOF remains steadfast in nurturing a vibrant community of young designers and like-minded partners in the fashion industry and fashion education. By showcasing research-driven solutions and the resourcefulness of talented designers, NOOF seeks to inspire profound shifts in public perception, fashion education, and industry practices.

Find NOOF’s high res images here
For interviews and other questions, please connect with our team here


Niet design maar mode wijst op DDW weg naar veerkracht en zelfredzaamheid